Against a backdrop of stained fabric, he’s steadily pelted with eggs, yolks sliding between his legs. In “Finding Eggs,” for example, a man adjusts his tie and gets pushed into a chair.
This is one of many similar videos made by the Suitbusters, three men in Northern Germany with nearly 6,000 YouTube subscribers. After pouring the rest onto his shoes, he sticks the bucket over his head to ensure that none of the goo goes to waste. Things don’t stop there either - he spoons more of the sludge onto his chest and socks and pours huge ladlefuls of it onto his pants and sleeves, smearing it around until he’s completely covered. He then lets the dripping tie graze his crotch over and over again, painting his pants and visible bulge with the slop in the process.
He submerges it further, a move resembling sexual penetration. Next, he dips the tip of his tie into the substance. After the male guide-slash-model puts on a new pair of slacks - the final piece to a besuited look that includes a dress shirt, black dress shoes and aforementioned blue tie - he leans over an orange bucket of muddy, dark-colored glop.